Internships and job shadows are great opportunities for students to learn about a career and gain valuable work experience. Students learn new talents, including the communication skills needed in a work environment.
Ideas Into Action: Internships & Community Service
Community service is central to the Middlebridge experience. Experiential learning engages and benefits everybody, while it fosters citizenship and ethics through positive, interactive engagement. To emphasize and support our community service programming, our internship program allows students to explore potential areas for future study at college and to develop personal hobbies and passions through internships, job-shadowing, and fieldwork. Integrated throughout the curriculum, the internship program is comprised of four integrated components: career awareness, career exploration, self-exploration, and occupational training and skill acquisition. In our whole-child education model, students need to explore and realize skills, then train and practice them in real-world settings, in order for them to thrive in happy careers. Likewise, current students who continue to give back in community service over their summer breaks report higher levels of happiness, connection, and satisfaction with their communities.
Internship Partners
The following businesses and organizations contributed their time and effort to create volunteer opportunities for Middlebridge students. These experiences help our students gain practical knowledge in the workplace, build student confidence, and increase their participation in the community. We are so appreciative of our fantastic internship partners.
Animal Rescue RI
Art and Soul
Audrain Automobile Museum
Blissful Event Planning
Champlin Welding
Clark Farms
Contemporary Theater Company
Corwin Butterworth Furniture Design
Crayons Daycare
Critter Hut
Dave’s Market
The Dog House
Durkin Realty
Earth Care Farm
Elderwood of Scallop Shell Assisted Living
401 Oyster Company
Gansett Wraps
Golf Warehouse
Growing Children of Rhode Island
Habitat for Humanity
Horses Bring Hope
Horse Play Animal Rescue
Jonnycake Center
Joyful Learning Academy
Larlham Landscaping
Lighthouse Real Estate Group
Lovesome Images Portrait Design Studio
Matunuck Oyster Farm
Narragansett Fire Department
Narragansett Elementary School
Narragansett Parks and Rec Department
Narragansett Police Department
Narragansett Public Works
Narragansett Town Hall
Narragansett School District
Newport Tree Conservancy
Norman Bird Sanctuary
Pride Martial Arts
Peace Dale Dinner Table
The Purple Cow
Quest Montessori School
Rebekah Cook Art
Rhode Island Parrot Rescue
RI Community Food Bank
RI Computer Museum
River Bend Athletic Club
Salvation Army
Save the Bay
Secure Future Tech
Smithbridge Stable
Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
South Kingstown Nursing and Rehab
South Kingstown Public Library
Special Olympics Rhode Island
Stedman’s Bike Shop
Supply New England
Sweet Cakes Bakery
Sweenor’s Chocolates
Trinity Repertory Company
The World War II Foundation
Tuckertown Fire Department
Union Fire District
URI Athletic Dept
URI Equipment Team
URI Ram Tech
URI Marine Life Science Research Center
The Village Inn
The Welcome House
What Cheer Flower Farm
Yellow Horse Equine Therapeutic Program
South County YMCA